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Double Spooner

Eileene dropped an honest-to-god spoonerism today: intending to belittle something by describing it as “piddling and wee,” she called it “widdling and pee.” Not only do the spoken but unintentional words have meaning, but a common meaning, although “widdle” is more of a British expression than an American one. Wonderful! Only in the analytical aftermath […]

Carry On

Another painless passage through the airport on our return trip. A sparsity of passengers has a lot to do with it; you can’t be delayed by a long line if there’s no long line to delay you. But there’s another contributing factor this trip: I think this is the first flight I’ve ever taken without […]

Bark Butter

I found that Dad has two tubs of a product called “Birdacious Bugberry Bark Butter” in the basement. It’s a substitute for peanut butter as a lure for birdfeeders: smear it on something, cover it in seeds, and watch the birds flock in. I didn’t ask whether it is more or less expensive than peanut […]

I Eat Danger For Danger

Dinner tonight is a hoagie, specifically salami, pepperoni, and provolone with lettuce, tomato, onion, and a touch of oil and vinegar. Mmm-boy. I continue to eat them, despite what I shall refer to as “gastric difficulty” in deference to family-friendly concerns. But lately, I’ve begun to ask myself whether they’re worth it. The fragrant wind, […]

Tom vs. the Martians

the bad father’s greatest fantasy

Bad Apples

testing the adage

Messy Jack

jack-o’-lantern pics

Posts of the Past

late to the meme party

Where Do the Minutes Go?

not-so-quick meals

I Endeavour to Give Satisfaction, Sir

the ultimate manservant